To get summary information about a work or work part, select the work or the part in the Table of Contents window, then use the "Get Info" command in the "File" menu (Command-I). This presents a window with information about the corpus, the work, and the work part.
The following example shows the work part information for Book 7 of The Iliad. This part has one sub part (itself), 482 lines, and 3,398 words. It supports all of the tagging data except for publication dates, and it has both English and German translations, Roman transliteration, and metrical transcription.
The next example shows the work information for Shakespeare's The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth. Note the short title for this work, Henry VI, Part 2. Short titles are used in concordances and other contexts. Also note the dates for the author and the publication date for the work. The work contains 32 parts in its work part tree, and it has 3,123 lines and 24,449 words. The work supports all of the tagging data except for metrical shapes.
The last example shows the corpus information for Chaucer. This corpus uses the Roman character set and the English part of speech taxonomy. It contains 11 works, 293 work parts, 69,415 lines, and 428,810 words. The corpus supports the basic morphology tagging data and prosodic tags, but not narrative, metrical, or date tags.